How ozone affects humans?

Ozone has disinfection function, also known as oxygen enrichment, third oxygen, and super oxygen, is one of the strongest oxidants known to be used. It can oxidize and denature the protein shells of bacteria, fungi and other bacteria, thereby killing bacterial reproduction. Body and spores, viruses, fungi, etc.

Ozone can kill Escherichia coli, Streptococcus, and Staphylococcus aureus over 99%, and can kill hepatitis viruses, cold viruses, etc. Ozone has outstanding effects of sterilization, disinfection, and degradation of pesticides, and is considered to be an efficient and broad-spectrum fungicide.

Ozone can sterilize and purify the air, prevent cross-infection of diseases, and remove peculiar smells in bedrooms, living rooms, kitchens, bathrooms, etc. Ozone gas has the functions of sterilization, disinfection, mildew prevention and dust mite removal on indoor bedding, clothing, carpets, wardrobes, shoe cabinets, and coins.

The most suitable way to use ozone to disinfect and sterilize is to dissolve ozone in water to form so-called "ozone water". Some countries refer to "ozone water" as "universal water".

The sterilization speed of "ozone water" is many times faster than that of chlorine. In daily life, using "ozone water" to sterilize underwear, underwear, diapers, coatings, etc. used by women and children can have a particularly obvious effect.

"Ozone water" has the functions of sterilization and disinfection, antiseptic preservation, and removal of peculiar smells on fruits, vegetables and meat. It also has the function of degrading the phosphorus-containing pesticides on the surfaces of fruits and vegetables. We can also use "ozone water" to clean and maintain the skin to reduce the skin irritation caused by cosmetics.

Using "ozone water" cold compresses, soaking burns, cuts, and bruises can speed up wound healing and prevent infection; using "ozone water" to wash foam can prevent dermatoses and beriberi diseases caused by fungi; use "ozone water" to wash The head can remove dirt from the pores of the hair and reduce hair loss. Scientific use is not harmful. According to experts, the safety and environmental protection of ozone have been recognized, and its application technology is quite mature, scientific use, ozone will not cause harm to human health.

In many countries, ozone is widely used in the disinfection of drinking water, air purification, food processing, medical and health, aquaculture and other fields. In 1902, Paderborn, Germany, established the first large-scale water plant to treat water quality with ozone, creating a precedent for ozone water treatment.

Now, there are thousands of ozone water plants in the world. The use of ozone in water plants in Europe and the United States has reached a widespread level, and almost all mineral water and purified water manufacturers are equipped with ozone equipment.

The United States has used ozone to treat domestic sewage since the early 1970s, mainly for sterilization, removal of pollutants, and decolorization to meet discharge standards. In Japan, wastewater is treated with ozone and used as reclaimed water in water-scarce areas.

A Swedish beef company applies ozone to the storage and preservation of beef, and it has been in use since 1870. As early as 1904, Europe used ozone to preserve the freshness of foods such as milk, meat products, cheese, and protein.

In the late 1930s, 80% of refrigerated egg warehouses in the United States were equipped with ozone generators. Recently, European and American countries have applied ozone to storage, manufacturing, and transportation in the preservation of fruits and vegetables.

In terms of medical treatment, Japan used ozone for body physiotherapy as early as World War II. At present, ozone has many uses in medical and health, such as air disinfection in wards and operating rooms, using "ozone water" for disinfection of medical equipment, using ozone for dental disease treatment, using ozone and radiotherapy to treat cancer, drinking "ozone" "Water" treats women's diseases and injects ozone gas to treat fistulas, hemorrhoids, and varicose veins.

In terms of health care, it is popular in Japan to breathe "strong air" (air with low concentration of ozone) to strengthen the body, and shower the body with ozonized water to kill bacteria and beautify the body. Ozone can kill viruses and bacteria, but does not affect the healthy cells of the human body because the latter has a powerful balanced enzyme system.

As long as ozone is used scientifically, ozone is not dangerous to human health. In fact, since ozone has been used for more than 100 years, there has been no fatal accident in the world due to ozone poisoning.

In addition, there is now a saying that while disinfecting ozone, it can also "kill" vitamins in fruits and vegetables that are beneficial to the human body; however, the inspection by the Environmental Health Monitoring Institute of the Chinese Academy of Preventive Medicine has confirmed that the use of qualified ozone equipment is normal Working soaking fruits and vegetables for 10 to 15 minutes has no obvious effect on the vitamin C in fruits and vegetables. Blind abuse also damages life. Scientific use of ozone does not cause harm to human health, but if you blindly abuse ozone to "detoxify" it, you can't sit back and relax.

Ozone itself is a non-toxic and safe gas, and its "toxicity" mainly refers to its strong oxidizing ability. Experts believe that when the ozone concentration is higher than 1.5ppm, personnel must leave the scene, because ozone can stimulate the human respiratory system, and in severe cases, it can cause injury.

At present, many countries and organizations have formulated safety and health standards for humans in the ozonized gas environment. The product of the concentration and the exposure time can be regarded as a reference point: The International Ozone Association's standard is: 0.1ppm, exposure for 10 hours; American standard It is: 0.1ppm, exposure for 8 hours; Germany, France, Japan and other national standards: 0.1ppm, exposure for 10 hours; my country's standard: 0.15ppm, exposure for 8 hours. There are reports that when the ozone concentration is 0.02ppm, people with a sensitive sense of smell can detect it.

When the concentration is 0.15ppm, it is the critical value of olfactory, and most people can smell it. When the concentration reaches 1~10ppm, it is called the irritation range, and when the concentration is above 10ppm, it is the poisoning limit.

There are also reports that when the human body is exposed to a high concentration of ozone, symptoms such as skin and eye irritation, poor breathing, coughing and headache may occur; longer exposure time can also cause transient lung function abnormalities, causing lungs Tissue damage; people with allergies may also cause chronic lung disease and even permanent damage such as pulmonary fibrosis. Therefore, experts remind consumers that they must check the product's safety inspection certificate and anti-virus and sterilization report when buying an ozone generator.

Moreover, the amount of ozone production is not the better. It is more suitable to produce 200 mg/m3 of ozone per hour, and generally do not exceed 400 mg/m3 per hour for household use. It takes about 60 minutes to make drinking water with an ozone machine, and another 15 minutes.

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